Signal and 12VPX

Signal can be used with 12VPX in WEB or WEB for China mode. Unfortunately, they did make the procedure a little bit cumbersome. Please see below.


  • Quit Signal. (Really Quit - not just Close.)
  • Connect 12VPX in WEB or WEB for China mode.
  • Open a Terminal window.
  • Run this command:
env https_proxy= open -a "Signal"
  • The command starts Signal, while instructing it to use the VPN.


  • Quit Signal. (Really Quit - not just Close.)
  • Connect 12VPX in WEB or WEB for China mode.
  • Open a Command Prompt:
set NO_PROXY=localhost,

start "" "%localappdata%\Programs\signal-desktop\Signal.exe"
  • These commands start Signal, while instructing it to use the VPN.


If you're a more experienced user, you may want to put the commands in a batch- or script-file and create a shortcut to the script on your Desktop.